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Princess PTSD is a forum/blog meant to build a safe online community in addition to serve as a platform in bringing awareness to Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and healing from childhood trauma.


C-PTSD strives to isolate wounded Warriors by choosing to disrespect and ignore the voices of our next generation. Choosing to speak on in any shape or form is one of the first steps in reclaiming our silenced voices and letting our inner child grieve the innocence we lost at the hands of those who were meant to help us feel safe, protected and loved.


I think about all the Warriors and XPs that never got a chance to share their secrets... I admire the ones who are already choosing to speak on and I even think about the ones who have chosen not to speak at all. You hold the lock and key now. Your words are your currency.


The resources available to help heal our minds and heart are overwhelmingly beautiful yet haunting because talking about childhood trauma(s) is nearly as fatal as the experiences us Ex-Princes and Princesses have already faced and painfully get to relive again thanks to our Silent Serial Killer Stalker: C-PTSD.


I am blessed to be able take on my recovery from C-PTSD head on and have been working on myself for over a year now. I've faced emotions that I thought were buried dead with my youth yet I've found a safe spot that has been working well for me which makes me feel grateful. Lastly, I continue to neurotically seek more information and clarity and know I still have much more soul searching to do.


I extend my virtual hand and open my actual heart to anyone fighting the same struggle currently and I appreciate any person who may stumble across this page.  You were brave enough not only to endure it and survive but you became a true Warrior for carrying on and not letting the darkness of despair smother you. 


My vision is to provide content and resources which fosters positive thinking and the ability to allow ourselves to feel loved and beautiful. No filter or highlighter needed. Our spirits and inner Warriors are glowing proof.   








Princess PTSD

No More Secret Diary

© 2020 by P-PTSD Proudly created with

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